The Best Locations for a Photo Shoot in Venice

The Best Locations for a Photo Shoot in Venice

Venice offers breathtaking scenery and charming corners, perfect for capturing unforgettable moments. If you’re planning a photo shoot or simply want to take dreamy photos, these are the best locations to do so.

1. Under the arcades of the Doge’s Palace

I portici del Palazzo Ducale sono uno dei luoghi più iconici per scattare foto a Venezia. I lunghi archi e le colonne creano una profondità perfetta, che si sposa bene con l’architettura gotica veneziana. Per ottenere i migliori scatti, è consigliato arrivare presto, prima delle 7 del mattino. In questo modo, potrai sfruttare la luce naturale dell’alba senza la folla di turisti che solitamente riempie questa zona durante il giorno.

The Best Locations for a Photo Shoot in Venice

2. Piazza San Marco

Piazza San Marco is another must-visit spot. If you find yourself there during a busy time, don’t worry. A helpful trick is to take low-angle shots, as shown in the second photo. This type of angle helps exclude the crowd from your shot, keeping the focus on the stunning architecture surrounding the square, such as the Campanile and St. Mark’s Basilica.

The Best Locations for a Photo Shoot in Venice

3. In front of the gondolas

A classic for anyone visiting Venice is a photo in front of the gondolas floating on the Grand Canal. This romantic backdrop is perfect, especially at sunset or sunrise, when the light is softer. The view of domes and churches in the distance completes a magical atmosphere, as you can see in the fourth image.

The Best Locations for a Photo Shoot in Venice

4. The empty alleys (calli)

Even during the high tourist season, Venice offers quiet and lesser-known streets. The calli, narrow Venetian alleys, are perfect for capturing intimate and evocative photos, whether you choose the wider or narrower ones. Explore the less-traveled areas, away from the main tourist paths, and you’ll surely find hidden corners, as illustrated in the fifth and sixth images.

The Best Locations for a Photo Shoot in Venice

5. The canals between the alleys

You can’t forget the charm of Venice’s canals. Take photos along the banks of quieter, lesser-known canals to avoid crowds. The hidden calli offer magical reflections on the water and views of gondolas slowly passing by, as shown in the image where the subject walks beside a canal with moored boats. The ancient, slightly weathered facades complete the scene, adding an authentic touch to your shot.

The Best Locations for a Photo Shoot in Venice

6. In front of the Rialto Bridge

The Rialto Bridge is one of Venice’s symbols, but it can get crowded. To avoid people and take the perfect photo, we recommend going around the building and finding the angle shown in the seventh image. This perspective is less known and offers a view of the bridge that’s almost deserted, even on busy days.

The Best Locations for a Photo Shoot in Venice

7. In front of the Bridge of Sighs

Taking an iconic photo of the Bridge of Sighs can be challenging due to the crowds. However, to avoid this issue, there’s a solution. Instead of shooting from the classic perspective, reach the other side of the canal, as suggested in the last image. Here, you’ll find a less frequented spot that allows you to capture the bridge without distractions. To do this, walk around the prison until you reach the opposite bridge.

The Best Locations for a Photo Shoot in Venice


Venice is a paradise for photographers, with its romantic views, winding canals, and stunning architecture. Whether you’re planning a photo shoot or just want to capture the city’s beauty, these locations will provide the perfect backdrop. Take advantage of the quiet moments early in the morning or explore hidden alleys to bring home shots that truly convey the magic of Venice.

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