Public transport boat sails past houses on the water

Public transport boat sails past houses on the water

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4K • 3840×2160 • 29Fps • MP4

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Royalty-Free Video

  • ROYALTY-FREE / No Copyright
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Public transport boat sails past houses on the water

Public transport boat sails past houses on the water

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Video size

4K • 3840×2160 • 29Fps • MP4

This enchanting video immerses us in the magical winter atmosphere of Venice, where a boat for public transportation, filled with people, gracefully navigates the waters of the lagoon. In front of it, charming ancient houses built on the water emerge, shrouded in the cold winter fog.


The scene provides a captivating view of daily life in the lagoon city, with the boat moving gracefully through the waters while the fog adds a touch of mystery to the ancient architecture. This video captures the unique beauty of Venice in winter, blending human warmth with the evocative atmosphere of the lagoon.