Time-lapse of the car on the road between mountains with green woods in summer

Time-lapse of the car on the road between mountains with green woods in summer

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1920×1080 • 29Fps • MP4

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Royalty-Free Video

  • ROYALTY-FREE / No Copyright
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Time-lapse of the car on the road between mountains with green woods in summer

Time-lapse of the car on the road between mountains with green woods in summer

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1920×1080 • 29Fps • MP4

In an exciting hyperlapse, a car is racing along the winding road in the mountains, surrounded by green forests.

The car partially appears in the lower corner of the frame, creating a sense of movement and dynamism.

This compelling scene captures the experience of driving through the majesty of mountain nature, inviting you to feel immersed in the beauty and adventure of the journey.