Stop sign located on street of Ljubljana flashes with red

Stop sign located on street of Ljubljana flashes with red

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4K • 3840×2160 • 29Fps • MP4

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Royalty-Free Video

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Stop sign located on street of Ljubljana flashes with red

Stop sign located on street of Ljubljana flashes with red

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Video size

4K • 3840×2160 • 29Fps • MP4

Explore the dynamic energy of Ljubljana’s urban streets with our engaging video of the flashing stop sign. The recording captures viewers’ attention as the iconic and recognizable stop sign emits a pulsating glow of red.


The intermittent lights give a sense of movement and urgency, emphasizing the importance of respecting traffic signals. The urban scene of Ljubljana in the background is ethereally reflected on the road surface, creating a visually engaging effect.


This video is an ideal element for projects related to road safety, urban dynamics, or business presentations. Its ability to capture attention and convey a sense of readiness makes it suitable for a variety of contexts.


Whether you’re a creative looking for stimulating content, a professional dedicated to road safety, or simply interested in exploring the urban atmosphere of Ljubljana, this video of the flashing stop sign offers a compelling visual experience.