Buttons for colored clothes on a black background

Buttons for colored clothes on a black background

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FULL HD • 1920×1080 • 24Fps • MP4

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Royalty Free – Extended License – Licensing info

Royalty-Free Video

  • ROYALTY-FREE / No Copyright
  • Use it for any purpose: Web/Social media and more
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Royalty Free – Extended License – Licensing info

Buttons for colored clothes on a black background

Buttons for colored clothes on a black background

Additional information

Video size

FULL HD • 1920×1080 • 24Fps • MP4

This engaging video, in slow motion, showcases a vibrant pile of colorful clothing buttons moving gracefully against a dark background. The sequence captures the dynamic and lively atmosphere of the buttons as they move with grace, highlighting the variety of shapes and colors. The dark background accentuates the eclectic color range of the buttons, creating an appealing contrast.


This sequence not only provides a close-up look at the intricate beauty of the buttons but also conveys a sense of creativity and personality in the world of clothing. The slow-motion details accentuate every single movement, providing a suggestive and detailed view of these accessories that play a significant role in fashion and the art of tailoring.