Watermill close-up

Watermill close-up

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4K • 3840×2160 • 29Fps • MP4

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Royalty-Free Video

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Watermill close-up

Watermill close-up

Additional information

Video size

4K • 3840×2160 • 29Fps • MP4

In this captivating close-up sequence, we witness the majestic rotational movement of the ancient water mill. Its large blades unfold with strength and elegance as they sweep through their arc of motion, lifting the surrounding water with a regular and mesmerizing rhythm. Every detail of the mill, from its gears to the weathered wood, is emphasized, creating an image steeped in history and endurance.


The close-up captures the power and grandeur of the blades as they cut through the water, conveying a sense of continuity and intrinsic strength. The mill, enveloped by the reassuring sound of flowing water, becomes an icon of resilience, maintaining its functionality and charm despite the passage of years. This sequence provides a compelling and up-close look at the ancient water mill, inviting us to contemplate its timeless beauty.