Thatched house for animals on the water

Thatched house for animals on the water

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4K • 3840×2160 • 24Fps • MP4

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Royalty Free – Extended License – Licensing info

Royalty-Free Video

  • ROYALTY-FREE / No Copyright
  • Use it for any purpose: Web/Social media and more
  • Receive the original video file after purchase

Royalty Free – Extended License – Licensing info

Thatched house for animals on the water

Thatched house for animals on the water

Additional information

Video size

4K • 3840×2160 • 24Fps • MP4

This charming video captures a small green straw hut on the water for ducks, viewed from above with a drone. The footage provides an aerial perspective showcasing the adorable shelter designed for ducks in the aquatic environment.


The straw hut floats on the green water, creating a cozy oasis for the ducks. The overhead view with the drone allows for an appreciation of the arrangement of the hut and its harmonious integration with the surrounding environment.


Ready to be used without restrictions, this video offers a unique opportunity to enhance creative projects, presentations, and more.