Galium sphinx collects flower nectar

Galium sphinx collects flower nectar

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1920×1080 • 29Fps • MP4

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Galium sphinx collects flower nectar

Galium sphinx collects flower nectar

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1920×1080 • 29Fps • MP4

The galium sphinx, Macroglossum stellatarum, flies gently in slow motion as it feeds on nectar from a blue viper plant.

The camera gracefully captures the sphinx’s synchronized movements as it collects precious nectar from the graceful flowering plant.

The scene offers us a fascinating glimpse into the symbiosis between the sphinx and the plant, showing us the wonder of nature in action.


This video invites us to reflect on the beauty and importance of biodiversity and the relationship between species.

It reminds us of the importance of plants and pollinating insects in maintaining ecological balance and in the perpetuation of life.

The galium sphinx is a stunning example of how insects are essential to the pollination process of plants, contributing to the growth and reproduction of many plant species.


The image inspires us to admire the delicacy and harmony of nature and to commit ourselves to protect and preserve the environment in which we live, so that these beautiful interactions between species can continue to exist and thrive over time.