Designed grey granite pavement on local road in old town

Designed grey granite pavement on local road in old town

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4K • 3840×2160 • 29Fps • MP4

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Royalty Free – Extended License – Licensing info

Royalty-Free Video

  • ROYALTY-FREE / No Copyright
  • Use it for any purpose: Web/Social media and more
  • Receive the original video file after purchase

Royalty Free – Extended License – Licensing info

Designed grey granite pavement on local road in old town

Designed grey granite pavement on local road in old town

Additional information

Video size

4K • 3840×2160 • 29Fps • MP4

This captivating royalty-free video provides a detailed look at the grey granite pavement designed on the historic local street under the sunlight on a sunny day in the historic city center, with people in motion nearby. The footage captures the perfection of the pavement design, crafted with grey granite that reflects sunlight, creating a picturesque and vibrant scene.


The video conveys the dynamic atmosphere of the historic city center, with people moving near this well-designed pavement. The details of the grey granite pavement, combined with the sunlight playing on the surface, add a touch of elegance and historic charm to the scene.


The observer can sense the warmth of the sunny day through the light filtering between the surrounding historic buildings. The image captures the blend of modern pavement design and the historic atmosphere of the city center, offering a rich and versatile visual experience for creative projects. The recording is ready to be used without restrictions, providing an ideal opportunity to enhance video productions, presentations, and other creative endeavors.