Beautiful Autumn Leaves Groundscape

Beautiful Autumn Leaves Groundscape

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3840×2160 • 29Fps • MP4

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  • Use it for any purpose: Web/Social media and more
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Royalty Free – Extended License – Licensing info

Royalty-Free Video

  • ROYALTY-FREE / No Copyright
  • Use it for any purpose: Web/Social media and more
  • Receive the original video file after purchase

Royalty Free – Extended License – Licensing info

Beautiful Autumn Leaves Groundscape

Beautiful Autumn Leaves Groundscape

Additional information


3840×2160 • 29Fps • MP4

This video presents a gorgeous background of autumn leaves scattered on the ground amid lush green grass. The combination of yellow leaves and fresh green creates a captivating visual contrast, capturing the essence of autumn in all its beauty.


This video can be used in various creative contexts, including:


  1. Nature Videos: Add an autumnal touch to your nature-themed videos.
  2. Virtual Backgrounds: Use this view as an autumn backdrop for video conferences or presentations.
  3. Relaxation Videos: Create soothing scenes for meditation and relaxation videos.
  4. Seasonal Videos: Represent the changing of seasons in multimedia projects.
  5. Educational Videos: Illustrate the cycle of seasons and the characteristics of autumn.


This video offers an extraordinary background of autumn leaves on the ground and can enhance a variety of creative projects.