Little girl runs in wheat field with high golden spikelets

Little girl runs in wheat field with high golden spikelets

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FULL HD • 1920×1080 • 24Fps • MP4

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Royalty-Free Video

  • Use it for any purpose: Web/Social media and more
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Little girl runs in wheat field with high golden spikelets

Little girl runs in wheat field with high golden spikelets

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Video size

FULL HD • 1920×1080 • 24Fps • MP4

In this enchanting scene, a young girl with long, flowing blonde hair runs happily through a field of ripe wheat, surrounded by tall golden stalks, on a sunny day. The mature wheat conceals the young explorer, creating an atmosphere of summer joy and adventure.

Royalty-Free Video: Share the Joy of Childhood

This video is a valuable Royalty-Free resource, which means you can use it freely without any obligation to pay royalties or copyright fees.

Possible Uses for This Video

  1. Family Album: Use this video to create a summer family album, capturing the joy of childhood.
  2. Promotion of Outdoor Activities: If you promote outdoor activities for children or summer vacations, this image embodies happiness and outdoor adventure.
  3. Educational Materials: This video can be used in educational materials to showcase the importance of nature contact and physical activity.
  4. Posters or Advertisements: Use this image in posters or advertisements that emphasize carefree childhood and freedom in exploring nature.
  5. Promotional Videos: If you are promoting a summer tourist destination, this video can add a touch of joy and adventure to your content.

Download the Video Now to share the joy of summer with the world.